Special thanks to the CJA for loaning us your RTI ramp for our 1st Show and Shine today.
It literally started raining about 20 minutes after we had packed up, and then a bit of a torrential downpour. We had 23 rigs compete in the show, and about 6-8 other jeeps or more showed up over the time period of the show. Good turn out, good crowd, can't wait for next year.
Hoping our stocker run tomorrow turns out as well. If any of you are interested, details are here:
http://reddeerjeep.com/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1832&start=10I know it is a long way to come, but if there are some stockers who would like to go out, you welcome to come along.
Thanks again.
Darcy McQuillan
Red Deer Jeep Packrats