So I've just finished my long block swap into the 97 GC 4.0 auto. It's up and running, if a little roughly.
History: Last November, after nearly 500k km, the engine blew. Then it sat until last week when I tackled the swap. So it was without battery for about six months. Also, before the motor went I'd had no electrical problems with this thing, weird or not.
Now: A bunch of seemingly-unrelated things don't work. The hazard flashers, turn signals, radio, dashboard computer, interior lights, and power seats are dead. Perhaps the oddest of these is the hazard lights, as they should work even when the key is out. Everything else works. But I made a strange discovery.
If I hold the headlight dimmer switch in (that is, pulled toward me) when the high beams are on, all of the dead things work. However, toggling the dimmer and holding the switch (again, pulled toward me in the low-beam position) makes all those things fail.
I've checked every fuse and swapped every relay possible.
Weird. Consistent, but weird.
Any hints? My first thought was the multifunction switch itself, but so many of these things (the radio and power seats, for dog's sake) have nothing to do with it. So is it the Body Control Module? I'm an EE, and this one's got me stumped.
p.s. The reason I mention the time it's been stored is that I'm wondering whether there's some kind of battery backup in the BCM that might have gone dead and caused it to lose rational settings, just like a PC losing its BIOS settings when the motherboard battery goes flat.