Okay, we blew the 3rd and 4th gears in the Liberty a week ago last Saturday. Driving not hard, and all of a sudden, BANG! Left with only 1st and 2nd.
Looked around that internet thingy, and the consensus is that the bolts for the accumulator plate on the side of the valve body should have had Locktite applied at the factory, but didn't. The plate bolts back out, and at some point....BANG! Read on and check out my post from the home site.....THIS IS COMMON TO ALL 45RFE TRANSMISSIONS, DAKOTAS INCLUDED.
Okay, KJgirl's rig won't fit into the garage, so I'm doing the job on the driveway. Not a clean job guys and gals...lots of cleanup. Got the kit last night, and still working on it. Here's some pictures:
First exhibit. Now please tell me....who in the #%$% builds a 14 inche wide tranny pan WITHOUT A DRAIN PLUG? You are supposed to remove the bolts from the front and sides, and then loosen the rear bolt....await tidal wave of tranny fluid when it cracks loose. Here's a pic of the pan.
Now, I might be wrong, but these don't look like they belong:
So the diagnosis was correct. The accumulator plate bolts should have had Locktite applied at the factory. They backed out, and two were sheared off. Accumulator plate pictures:
Top view, check out the bend:
New compared to old:
Gosh darn that HAD to hurt!
Best way to do this inside. Put the valve body in a large garbage bag, and toss a towel on the bottom of the bathtub. The bag keeps all the tranny fluid in the valve body from leaking out, and the towel protects the tub.
Plate needs removed....this is where I stopped, as I realized that the Trans-Go Kit does not included new screws for the plate, as it is an upgrade kit, not a repair kit.
I'll post more tomorrow, hopefully with results on how and if it works.