My windsheild has had the same fun problems on deerfoot in my new wrangler too. I had a wheel nut come off a semi and hit the edge of the windshield/frame and cracked the windsheild to hell and the frame around it and off to the body shop it went after owning it for a few weeks. The worst part is watching the wonderful large items coming at your windsheild and it seems like slow motion.
In the last 2 years I have had 4 windsheilds and pretty much all of the good damage came off of deerfoot.
But I think its just part of driving a jeep and living in Calgary, the city that puts down gravel as sand.
Just always have to look for a good place to get a windsheild. I managed to find somewhere that was only $260 installed. Some of my quotes ranged upto $600