Black YJ,
sometimes hiding what we do is an admission of guilt. i agree with any and all pics showing skeg, mudbog and deep mudholes on a trail but pics of anything else should be posted to show what we do in the areas we are suppossed to be in.
If you think it is the pic that kills us, i disagree, it is the trucks with mud all over them driving around in the city. Its the trucks that go thru Waiporous village faster than 30km/hr. Its pics showing someone off trail throwing mud.
The environmentalist are NOT the group that is most vocal against OHV use. Do you know why? Even they know that limiting all trucks to 4 trails in Waiporous is going to cause displacement, and that is going to be far worse!
Traffic to other areas will increase as a direct result of the absolute absurdity behind GAMP. All environmentalists know this.
There are other stakeholders that want us out no matter what. Pics of us doing what we are suppossed to be doing in an area we are suppossed to be in is not the problem.
Flyguy, that is why i choose wear and tear that is to be expected. As long as the holes and ruts do not cause sediment runoff into any riparian areas and any fish areas than this is a non issue. period.
SRD had NO impact studies, the OHV community does and it shows that the water coming out of the South Ghost is CLEANER than the water coming out of the Bow river South of Calgary. Go figure eh?