The one time I went to court, I had a cert for the speedo showing it was *way* out. The crown didn't want to even talk to me, so I waited until it went into lunch time, then we went in front of the judge. I waited my turn while the crown presented, then when the judge asked if I had anything to say, I said that I had a cert that I'd like to enter into evidence backing my claim that the speedometer was out. He asked if I'd talked to the JP before court, I replied I had tried to, but was impolitely denied. He ripped the crown a new bodily orifice for making him miss lunch instead of finding out that he should have dropped it hours before.
I think a lot of things slip through the system. A ticket is a summons, it is a legal document, if it is filled out with incorrect information, then AFAIK, it is null and void, however their ability to re-issue is a distinct possibility since the offense actually occurred , not that I think most officers would go to the trouble.
What, they nailed you for going too fast on the section by the station before it went to full highway speed? Sounds like sheriffs, not RCMP