So i got around 32000kms on the crushers... did a rotation yesterday and about a quarter to a third down from start on one set and the other two a 1/4 down...
i run in the winter time in auto 4wd from my 242.... havent had any issues ran them last winter and this summer and this winter start... they are a bit fishy at times but as long as you can drive i would recomend these tires any day..... in 2wd might be a different story..
oh and that 3200kms is primarily highway to and from emf....
erin has around 50000 on her mud country and they are probally a 1/4 down and thats all highway
still have yet to wheel them as i am still getting all the money together for the big rebuild, the trans is getting done this week(doing it myself)
lift should be within the next few months gonna be killer....