I made the call and setup the appointment, was pretty quick actually.
I talked to a few people, they shared their stories about their process.
It was simple, 2 membes of the public are on the board. I had an older woman and an old man. 50'ish
One fella said you can walk in, look, eyeball em, and request a new panel. I believe it.
He warned me of an older lady with longer brown hair and glasses. He said she seems to have it out, atleast for him.
Had a whole 7 min. speech written and we just casually chit-chatted back and forth. Of course I dressed up for it, was polite blah blah blah blah.
I couldnt find any information on this process at all, so I didnt know if I had to bring proof of improvement courses I did.
I just verbally talked about the courses I did. Which were really in no regard to this.
They are basically judge jury and exicusioner, what they say flies.
I had no conditions, nothing. It was so long ago they said.
I was pretty excited.
The delivery guy in front of the building was wondering why I was so friggin happy.
I am totally gunna rent me a Mustang and go for a cruise, too bad its not summer!
So I get a paper license, which is my drivers license until my AB License comes from a secure card making facility in ON, which takes a good week or 2.
I had to take a friggin multiple choice, which was harder then I thought. You can take it in anyone of 15-20 languages which does not make sense to me at all. This got me to a "Learners" handing in my old ID, for them to cut up. Next I take a road test, more $$$$$$$$$. Just a cash grab those F'ers! The m/c test I took I got 4 wrong. I didnt study at all. The ones I can remember are distance following behind emergency vehicle, the one lane in the middle of road that can be either direction, for turning, and got 2 trick questions wrong, however there were about 5 other trick questions that I got right and I was bitting my fingernails on. I just flew threw em all. I feel sorry for anyone who doesnt have a solid understanding of the english language, I can see many people failing this m/c test. The newest one is the new school zone bylaw, but you have to think this is for ALL of AB test. I got that Q right. Cant think of the other 2 I got wrong