So heres the story... I own a 1994 YJ 2.5L manual. Recently the engine had started to sputter quite a bit. Did an oil change and she seemed to be runing fine. This morning on the way to work, about a 30 min drive the engine died at a light. I start her back up and she revs to 2000rpm and stays at that speed. (usually it will start up with a quick rev and settle down) light turns green, put it into first and start to go. Al of a sudden the revs drop to 0 and the engine light flickers on, then it jumps back up to 2000rpm again, doing this in like 1 second intervals so the jeep is constantly jumping back and fourth. So i pull over and shut her down, leave it for 5 min come back starts up fine and make it back to work with no problems. After work, On my way home it does teh exact same thing, I have no clue what it could be, I figure it must be some electrical problem since the revs are so constant. Some help would be awesome!
:evil: :evil: