$500 is about as good a deal as you're going to find anywhere. These regularly go for $500 US (what I paid for mine), and are about $1700 new if I recall correctly.
You'll hate life the first time you install itm especially if you're like me and don't really read directions unless forced to (although in my defense, the directions in the manual kinda suck)
Do yourself a favour and install on a WARM day. If you don't, you'll be trying to stretch out that top through sheer force of profanity.
On the plus side, I just finished a run to Montana is mixed snow/rain/crud and the only time that any water got into the Jeep is when the doors were open - and it doesn't even flap at highway speeds.
Edit: The akward part is actually getting the hard top off and stored if you happen to be doing it solo.