Well, I've been out of the Jeep scene for a year now, and I'd love to get another one (TJ), but I'm not sure if it's in the finacial plan at this time.
So, 2 years ago I lost my Dad...this April, I lost my Mom... That has consumed alot of my thoughts.
Being Jeepless for the last year has free'd up some time for me to enjoyed some of my other hobbies.
Did alot of DH and freeride mountain biking last summer. Haven't been out yet this year, but I plan to.
Competed in June in the Southern Alberta Bodybuilding Championships and took third place in the lightweight class. This is what helped me get through the loss of my Mom. Without it, I don't know how I would have made it through.
Anyway, just thought I'd share for those who wondered where I've been.