Was a grounding issue on the light itself, along with the junk yard diode didnt work. $50 Reese from Crappy Tire.
Shes working good now.
1st time hauling a trailer, was nervous bringing it home from drum for 2hrs. overheated a bit. flew 2 ft off the tracks in shawnessy.
I am gutting the 13' trailer. Plans are to put in a king size bed, keep the sink/stove, and install a tv on other end where the custom shower/potty is. The king size bed will be in 2 or 3 peices. Foam. Futton style, custom made of course. Shower is a drain in lino, tarp curtain for city living. Outdoor shower for camping. Bucket potty is garbage bag lined, throw in garbage after every use. Would be nice to raise the roof a foot, but thats major work.