Fortunately for me it only ended up in some stressful trail side repairs by some very competent trail side mechanics. I little tap with a hammer, a semi fitting spare c clip and a battery powered welder (Thanks again Eric) for a couple of tack welds and it was good as new.
Well ok not new but you wouldn't know it by how it drove and rode.
The reason it wasnt a disaster was the low speed, lockers were disengaged and we were on snow so when the joint fell about and grabbed on the top of the wheel bearing bolt the tire simply locked up and started sliding.............add in lockers or some traction to spin the wheel and we are talking at least a snapped axle shaft if not worse.
I was thinking chromoly but that still uses the u joint (although full circumfance clip rather than the JK half clip system (trail rated my arse) ) so someone mentioned these.
RCV Performance D44 Front Axle shaft CV replacements.
I think for peace of mind and never having to worry about a damn front U Joint this is the way I am going to go.
I have read quite a bit and it seems this are very highly regarded (even compared to dana 60s although that seems a stretch) so what if anything am I missing here. Seems like a super simple install for something that will be night and day better than the stock 44.