once and its been sitting since :p its ok Simon. i know you want my jackstand title
at least your XJ looks good unlike all those other ugly red ones
hopefully there will be some more progress now that we have the house stuff settled. i've got a garage full of parts ready to go, and hopefully some sliders built by apeman here soon. would like to be ready to beat on it for the summer.
still have:
front ds to swap
TJ shafts
rear bumper (pook!)
couple leaks to fix (rear main and tcase front output)
for the axles, i have to finish the 8.8. that includes
brakes: (have em, should be fine now)
elocker installed
install in jeep
add rear adj. trackbar.
other fun stuff:
i hope to do front elocker soon
steering of some sort.
i guess the list never ends