Fraser a.k.a Whiteout came over tonight and helped me install my new (to me) rear swing away tire carrier. Install went smooth with a couple hick-ups when it came to the new hardware I bought and lining up the nutplates that tied the bumper into the rear frame rail.
First things first, I made sure I drenched all the nuts and bolts I was going to be removing in liquid wrench. I highly suggest this step for the removal of any stock parts. BUT, this doesnt always help, as we wound up shering off the driver side frame rail bolt and had to grind off the small washer-bolt that held the bumper end caps on.
Next, had to remove the bumper end caps from the stock bumper in order to access the frame rail bolts;
After that, removed all the OEM hardware. Frasers new electric impact wrench from Canadian Tire was very helpful (I almost went and bought one myslef, but why buy when you can borrow
Then removed the swing out/tire carrier portion from the bumper for easier installation. Took some time to get the frame rail tie in bolts and nut plates lined up, but got it all lined up in the end and everything bolted down tight;
The tire carrier portion is adjustable to accomodate a 33" or 35" tire by adjusting the height so we had to move it down as it was to high,
I'll through up some better pics tomorrow. I already love this bumper and can't believe it has been discountinued, there is no vibration and the swing out portion is smooth and greasable.