I didn't break anything... mostly because I couldn't budge a damned thing.
My rig is 2007 and I don't think it's changed in any way shape or form since the original owner purchased it, had it lifted and drove it around Cochrane for 5 1/2 years.
All I wanted to do was a little toe-in adjustment, but I could not budge the 'knurled adaptor' at all.
"3. Firmly grab the tie-rod’s knurled adjuster and rotate it a little bit at a time taking measurements along the way. If you're Jeep sees a lot of water, mud or salt, you may find it necessary to spray down the threads with some penetrating oil and use a pair of vicegrips to help turn the adjuster. Ideally, you'll want to have approximately 1/16" of toe-in. You should not exceed 1/8" as anything more than that will be too much and that'll your tires to wear poorly. "
I have about 1/4" of an inch of toe out. :-( Looks like it'll wait until sometime next week when I take it to someone with bigger tools than myself, and maybe a torch to heat things up a bit if needed.
Any comments, input, advice, recommended aftermarket straight up replacements?