What I know:
* JK AEV Pintler wheels will fit on an XK
* They will stick out further than the XK AEV Pintler wheels (no longer in production) as well as the factory XK wheels
* How many inches further they will stick out than XK AEV/factory wheels
* I am not going to wheel the XK, it will be used as a tow vehicle; however, I want to dress it up a bit (small lift, slightly bigger tires, Pintler rims)
What I don't know:
* How AEV Pintler wheels actually look, on a XK, in person?
* How much clearance will there be lock to lock on flat ground?
AEV Pintler questions:
* Anyone have JK Pintler rims and feel like popping by so I can try on my Commander?
* Anyone have JK Pintler rims for sale?
* Anyone have XK Pintler rims for sale?
XK Commander questions:
* Anyone out there have a Commander or am I the only one silly enough to buy such an awesome Jeep with such little aftermarket support
* Does the mere and rather bold act of purchasing a Commander qualify me for the Jagermeister club?
Thoughts? Tips? Advice?