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Author Topic: AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005  (Read 4552 times)

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AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005
« on: May 25, 2005, 04:15:15 PM »
Hey everyoone, Hope you'll be able to make it out the McLean V-days. It starts at 8:00 am this year. Here's a link to the poster.



Offline Elsifer

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AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 03:34:34 PM »
I am volunteering as a Project Manager.

I trust the CJA members will come out and give me a hand!  :D

Also, are we going to do some bbq'ing this year as well?


Offline Elsifer

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AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 11:39:00 AM »
OK, waivers are available!
There are two, please fill them out but don't sign them!
This part is important, the waiver must be signed in front of the official witnesses when you check in on saturday morning!

Waiver #1 in PDF
Waiver #2 in PDF

Also, the info poster is available here, also a PDF.

And the important info:

McLean Creek Recreational Area. (3 minutes past information center) 40 min West from Calgary on Highway 22x.
8:00am to 9:30am - Registration and Job selection .
Please download the two waivers and sign them at check-in.
People that bring their waiver filled out will get an extra raffle ticket.
9:45am to 10:00am - Pre Job meeting and instructions .
10:30am SHARP! Load up and leave for projects
6:00pm - Dinner

The Details:

Various trail projects from fence building and bridge repair to trail maintenance and garbage clean up
Camping is available (Please reserve ahead of time)
Dinner is provided
What you will need for the day:

Chain Saw
Hiking boots, and maybe rubber boots
Dry change of clothes
Work gloves, Hat, Sun Screen
Bag lunch, water
Bring your 4x4, quad, or motorbike


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AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 09:19:48 PM »
Is the cleanup still on for tomorrow morning???

Offline Elsifer

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AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 09:22:24 PM »
It's gonna be wet, so dress accordingly.

It appears that our intended project #6 is a no go. The ground is way to wet to get heavy equipment out there. So we will be re-tasked to another project.


Offline Elsifer

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Thanks Everyone!
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2005, 10:05:28 AM »
Well, I'd like to thank those folks that braved the monsoons to come out and lend a hand.
Due to the rain, the majority of the projects that were planned were scrapped. Mostly due to access issues. The bridge at the west staging area was unsafe on saturday, the bridge was floating in its abutments, and so was unsafe for any traffic across it.
McLean road was closed by the Minister of Transport, there was water washing over the road, and the road was pretty soft in parts.

I'l like to thank, in no particular order; Bill and Denise (bnine and spider), Tom (Asia), Dom (SwampSinger), Darren (Henry), Matt? (newf?) I think that is you, in between your SAR duties you came out and lent a hand.
Dave and his ECO folks for coming down, helping out with radios and with labour. (If and when you guys have a cleanup/project and you need help, just ask, we will be there).

I'd like to also thank Dave Dunlop (DiamondDave) for organising and getting everything together, the AURS BOD for the food and drink and helping get the word out, the various sponsors and folks that donated equipement, Tom Kelley for MC'ing, Dan for his environmental expertise, SRD for helping us help them, Vince and his radio operators, and likely a long list of others that I missed.

Sadly I don't have very many pics, I was too busy swinging a pick and digging to take the time and snag pictures.

All in all, a lot of water was diverted, a lot of boggin' holes were blocked off, a lot of fencing put up, and a lot of trail that we couldn't get to because of sketchy bridges.

Thanks everyone!

Offline SwampSinger

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Re: Thanks Everyone!
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2005, 05:22:28 PM »
Well said Chris!!!

Thanks to everyboby that showed up ... good or bad weather !!!!

Especially Henry.... because he didn't fart in my heep on the way back to cowtown!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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AURS McLean V-Days June 18, 2005
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2005, 11:17:50 PM »
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CJA for their hard work at the AURS McLean Creek V-Days. Everyone worked hard in poor condition to complete his or her jobs, so hats off to you all.
I’ve approached the Alberta Community Development and the SRD in regards to the bridges in McLean Creek and the rebuilding of them. Also I feel we need to complete our trail repairs that we started before the rain hit.
At this point McLean Creek is not very accessible and something needs to be done right away. I will keep the CJA informed as I get answers back.

Once again, Thanks for all your Hard Work. :wink:


Dave Dunlop
AURS Public Relations Director