McLean will never see me on a long weekend again. Last year i was pulled over 4 times for routine checks, finally the last time I was pulled over a young peace officer came over and asked if i was drinking, and I replied"No" I was driving a Ford Taurus Wagon with my two kids in the back and my wife - a real party mobile. He took my registration back to the car with him and when he returned he said it was expired and I had to rip it up or he would fine me for something else. So i ripped it up then he gave me a $250.00 ticket for no registration
When it was all over i went to get new registristation and they said it was not expired - so i put the ripped up peices back together and what do you know it wasn't expirded. and would cost me more to fight it then it was worth cause i would have to go to cochran to fight it.
Anyway i hold grudges so the mclean peace officers can kiss my *** -
oh and what really got me ticking was as he was ranting to me about his duties a honda civic putted by with at least 8 people in it, lol. all ducking down and stuff, but he was to busy giving the family man a ticket for noting rather then busting the young punks.
there my rant is done -