If theres no love from Vantagetes I may be able to help you as well Justin. Ive always installed my own, and the hardest part is always finding the right wires... Some doors run a positive pulse, some a negative. Some also use 3 or 5 wires and reverse polarity to move the plunger. The 5 wire doors if Im not mistaken require relays as well... If you have a wiring diagram or haynes manual for the truck Im sure we can get it going for you. May take a while, with some swearing involved, but its not a complex job by any means. You will likely find the wires you need behind the drivers side kick panel, and then you just have to splice into those from the alarm brain. NUstart is just Compustars canadian division so if you have the equivalent compustar wiring manual, together with the trucks wiring diagram it can be done fairly simply.