Budget Locksmith in the NE has all the equipment and typically charge $100.00 to make a second key. Be aware that there are two ways to do it and the proper way is to make a second key. Some places will simply make a clone of your first key.
Now, this may not sound significant but if you have a proper second key made you can program a third key by yourself with nothing more than the first and second key. If you have a cloned key, the computer simply thinks you are trying to program a key without two original keys and will not allow programming of a third key.
FWIW, if you have AMA Plus, the lockout service covers up to $100.00 in the event you lose a key, I have now used this service twice at the above locksmith and both time AMA covered the new key. He did say they only cover it if you lose a key and not if you bought a vehicle with only one key.