She sits a "little" tall right now due to the wrong springs in the CO's. But she will be a force to reckon with.
I'm not getting into the "size" argument. Regardless of tire size, I believe that irresponsible wheelers are certainly to blame. Responsible wheeling comes in all shapes and sizes. It just so happens that a 49" Irok makes difficult obstacles and deep mud holes easier.
Besides, this be rev 1.2. This winter we switched to rear-engine, with the 19" drop Monster Truck t-case.
We still have some mechanicals to sort out, and our springs and valve issues with the shocks. Once everything is sorted, tear down, blast and paint, then reassembly. She'll be in HRC and ASC this year. So you'll see me out there as the co-driver.
As for trail use, do you *ever* see Clay out there with the Warthog? Well, then that's about as often as you'll see this "on the trail".
So keep your size complaints to yourselves. It's a purpose built rig, it's not street legal, so your Honda is safe. Will it see public OHV trails? I dunno, I'm not the owner. I'm the co-builder.
Before you go slamming someone's blood, sweat, tears, and money; get all the info first. There was (and is) an extreme amount of time, energy, effort, and funding into a project like this. Is it yours? NO. So do you dictate what purpose it will be used for? NO.
If you don't like it, that's fine. I'm not out to please you. I'm out to build one bad-mammer-jammer of a competition rig. Take it, or leave it.