Vinman, thanks for you help. Just to clarify, what do you mean by park light? in dash or on rear lights? Stupid question I know, but I just want clarity on what to test.
Tinkerer when you wrote...
"Is 70 mA enough to kill a battery in 3 days? Shouldn't be for a reasonably charged battery, so yes you may have charge issues. I have seen on a number of vehicles where excessive resistance in the wiring (bad connections etc.) caused an incomplete charge on the battery. The charge circuit sees full voltage, but some of that voltage is lost across the bad connection and so the battery sees less. (Yeah, Ohms law and I'm an electrogeek.)"
I had the exact same thought. That low of a draw shouldn't kill my battery, not by a long shot. When you said I might be getting an incomplete charge, wouldn't that imply the alternator is faulty? Voltage regulator eh? Considering this is my 3rd battery in 5 years, my guess is the Alt.
Thanks for the help Tinkerer. I'd definately appreciate a checklist. My largest ignorance not knowing what milli amps are expected across circuits. Maybe I am measuring an expected drop across the Park LPS / Skim circuit and figuring it I've found my problem.
Regardless, you've all been a great help thus far. I really do appreciate the help. Glad to see the club's members are still willing to help out a fellow jeep owner.