Every time I go camping, Camp Fries are a must! (Potatoes seem pretty popular here!)
1) cast iron pot with strainer scoop or something
6+) potatoes
1) jug of vegetable oil - enough to fill pot abot 1/2 full
1) good fire with good coals
1) fire pit with that 1/2 grill type thing on it
1) whole lot of your favorite seasoning (I've tried everything I think)
1) large bottle of oh-so-mandatory ketchup
Cut up those potatoes into fry-like shapes. Get that oil in the pot screamin' hot. While that warms up, soak potatoes for awhile in water (to shed some of the starch). Put fries in pot. They will float when almost ready, then keep cooking until golden, or more for crispy. Take 'em out and toss around in a bowl with seasoning. Don't burn your fingers whilst chowing. This is a high risk operation, PPE required, and try semi-sober until you work out the kinks.