I had the wonderful pleasure of being out on the trail this last Saturday (the 101) without A/C. The last time I was my rig, the A/C worked pretty good.... but it wasn't all that hot out. But being in a black vehicle in sunny, +27*C weather... I was melting. I know that you who drive the Wranglers will be thinking "ahhhhhhhh.... poor Immortal". But that is why I got an XJ.... for the creature comforts.
Topped up my freon (no, not that DURACOOL crap, actual R134a).... now it is frickin' cold in there. Supply air went from 114* to 65* in 2 mins. Cab temp went from 114*F to 80* in 10 mins. Let the cool times roll.
Sometimes I am happy I am an A/C mechanic.
That was my happy project of the day.