Agreed with many points you've spoken of over the years.
Respected your experience, dedication, and general sincerity.
However, some of the old ways, old techniques, old thoughts, etc... have evolved. As has our recreational sport, how we do it, why we do it and who does it.
A fence looks ugly to 10-15 people that drive by it. Me included.
100 others drive by it not even knowing or noticing why it is in place.
Some drunks may live another day to breed more idiots due to the fence preventing them from tough guy antics... who knows...
Point is, unfortunately, we desperately need to change the way trails are maintained, rules created, rules enforced, education delivery, but more importantly, how to be a responsible human being. Something like this cannot be taught on a trail, it's something that is taught and grows inside you as a child. Many people these days don't have it. We need to evolve to grow with this, or be taken down by the idiocracy.
In order to add more trails we need to evolve our thinking and our trail system to be sustainable with this new generation, and those ahead of them.
I was in the middle of responding to some of this when I read it this morning but I think this website has a words maximum and all was lost. This is probably a good thing though as quick responses without thought can be easily misinterpreted over the internet sometimes.
I am getting so sick of the new phrase that SRD uses to its fullest but doesn’t even stick to or for that matter obviously understand. “Sustainable Trail System” They use if for absolutely everything they need to deal with. The one reason I’m sick of it is they’ve told us that the seismic lines, logging roads, and exploration roads are not a sustainable trail system. I’ve been around long enough to know the trails very well in the Ghost and Waiparous area. I’ll be willing to bet that 80%, maybe more of the trails they designated to the quads and bikes are the very roads they tell us are not sustainable. I guess they are not sustainable to 4x4’s having used them for so many years but they are now to bikes and quads. Make up your mind!!!!!! For one thing, how much more sustainable can you get when a trail has been around for some 40-60 years. Do you honestly think the barb wire fences, bridges, and what ever else we add as supposed improvements will last as long as the trail did till now. They do their trail inventory shortly after a 50 year flood and put the soul blame on reckless 4x4 use. If doing their inventory the way it was carried out for GAMP I would imagine they would claim highway 1 is also not sustainable, after all it washes out or gets covered with avalanches every year.
I hope we’re not asked to cover for the short fall the government has taken with enforcement and are now asked to barb wire each and every trail because some drunk may loose their life. Driving while under the influence has been, is now, and most likely always will be illegal. Don’t clutter up the trails with garbage looking fences just to deal with them. I’m sure they were just an example for your explanation but I’ll never get to liking all the signs, and fences we’ve been asked to put up. Some is necessary but I don’t have to like it.
One more thing...Our current and future generation of outdoor recreationalists are not to blame for past actions, or lack there of.
We are simply here to carry on what the past has taught us, which currently, is how to not be sustainable for future generations.
Almost starting from scratch, we need to move on.
Some helpful insight, thoughtful recommendations, words of wisdom, guidance, leadership could really be used in this battlefield we are faced with today.
Frenchy, the above comment is a good one. How far back might you be referring to with this accusation? 20-30 years ago maybe? Lets see, 31’s were a big tire, a welded diff was a modification that only a few dared to do, engine size modification was a chevy 350 and articulation, what the hell was articulation back then. All we cared about, was how far can I go off camber before I roll. All the heavily modified rigs of today, along with the disrespectful people behind some of them, and the who gives a crap attitude of todays society are the ones to blame for the scars left behind by some that I refer to. If you care to put the onus on the generations before yours I’d have to agree to some degree. That’s the generation that thought a spanking was a criminal offense so the generations that followed now show that lack of respect….for everything.
I’ve maintained the same idea for the last few years and still stick to that. If ASRD wants to show some good faith by adding some trails back, I’ll be more than willing to help you folks out with projects again, as I’m sure about 100 people would quickly join in as well.
I would however be willing to head up something of my own. I think it might be a worth while project, and I think it would be an opportunity to put up or shut up. I think things should be picked up a notch by testing the legitimacy of ASRD’s FLUZ policy. I’d be willing to set up a multi group run for clubs that are willing to get involved. Club members only, as they are the only ones that show commitment and have something to loose if things don’t work out. I’d be willing to set up a day of runs on anything other than designated trails. Everyone participating puts up $100 cash as a bond and future legal fees. If in that day of runs, anybody gets ticketed the money goes to fight the charge in court. If by chance your ticket comes from illegal substance or doing something completely irresponsible the $100 gets kept because you’ve now become a liability to the intent on the project. If how ever you get charged for being on a trail not designated then the money goes towards a legal case for our trails and saving them.
I know those working with ASRD on projects won’t be able to comment on participating because I’m sure ASRD would be very reluctant to work with any group taking them to court, those comments can be PM’d to me if you need to.
I’ve offered to put up money before to both the AB4WD and on a discussion on the Four Wheel Stampeder site, and I’ll do that again here. If something like this gets off the ground I’d be willing to put $1000 towards legal fees again.
As I have stated both times before though too, if I’m in the middle of a legal case due to trail issues at the time then offer is revoked. Time to put up or shut up.