im getting flashed a bit, however I installed the 4300k lights. I wanted to avoid the "blue" look and the lights in that range are supposedly supposed to be the best for illumination.
I am getting flashed a bit, however it could be due to my aiming. It is possible my low beams are set to a lo/high hybrid if you know what I mean, however, all new vehicles seem to have wickedly bright lights, then the lens gets a few pits in them from road debris and they seem to dim over least that has been my experience.
I am not trying to blind anyone at all, Im just going for great illumination, and as of right now, it is incredible.
I like shane, he gives me what I perceive as deals, and I havent spent much cash there. I bought a set of alum wheels and these ipf housings, he gave me prices lower than I could get from ebay w/o considering shipping/ I like Shane.