tire chains are the opposite of positive thinking................ in summertime conditions they will just act as rototillers on your tires and chew the earth to smithereens. they should ONLY be used in snow/ice.........
please do not chain up at mclean..... there will be evidence of every place you slip a tire............ to repeat DO NOT CHAIN UP YOUR TIRES
i will apologize if we seem to be coming off as harsh when it comes to recovery. chains are not very useful in many recoveries, and tire chains are not useful except the winter.
i have been in many 'stuck' situations, and they suck. having improper equipment makes it worse. 'tow straps' and improper tow points, etc can make a simple extraction dangerous and difficult when stuff breaks.
just cause you've 'seen' someone do it, or 'have' done it and nothing bad has happened, doesnt' make it safe. i could say i have drank and drove and arrived safely, (i don't do that, just an example) but we don't classify it as acceptable....... neither are chains.......... nobody on this site wants anyone to learn this the hard way..........
so before you go buy some bling bling fancy lights or some other useless mod for your vehicle, invest in a good tow strap and other recovery equipment....... your 40k investment will thank you in the end...................
i'm out, cheers all and have fun this weekend