well I feel a little silly now, after having it at a shop and being told that they found a connection on the ecu that was loose and paying 100 bucks(still a great deal as they did work on it for about 2-3 hours and scanned for codes and cleared them, I was mainly just having a bad day and didn't have the time to play with it myself). the jeep still did the same thing, so I started to tinker on a break today and was taking the plugs out to change them and they all looked OK, it wasn't until I pulled the plug off of cylinder 6 that I had a light bulb moment, what did I see but the little connector that snaps onto the end of the spark plug, still sitting there after I pulled the wire off.
well, what to do now, but grab the old plug wire that I happen to have in the back of the jeep(along with almost every spare part I have taken off, and pop it back on(with ample amount of dielectric grease in all the plug wires), and it feels like it was doing better, drove better without an issue.
now off to the parts store to exchange the wire as it was replaced not that long ago(a matter of months)
I knew I should have just looked into it myself, but I was busy with other crap I didn't want to do.
I hope it is fixed now, wish me luck