Ive come to realize that living rent free (renting a house with room-mates paying the everything) or owning a house and renting rooms/garage to reduce cost is crucial in todays enviroment to get ahead.
I have to go to a mortgage company and get some information because my credit isnt the best, just a few credit card problems (late payments, closed credit cards), but my biggest problem is I have worked under the table for a long time with no proven income for verification.
I was wondering how much a down payment is average and what kind of a down payment would lower my risk rating (say 10, 20 or 25%) with a good co-applicant which has wickedly good flawless credit.
heres the downlow. you will need 3 years of solid income proof (Notice of assessment, done by the gov't) it will give you the actual income you reported to the gov't. you won't qualify for anything by yourself. so you need to rope someone into backing your mortgage payments for a minimum of 5 years.
next, depending on what you're looking for, you will need 20 - 30k in a downpayment. because you are going to be putting 5% down as a first time homebuyer, you can get away with 5%. trust me, it won't do much. you will also be looking at mortgage payments anywhere from 1500 - 2000 plus utilities depending.
lastly, be VERY wary of 'variable interest rate' mortgages. it looks good now, but a simple interest rate hike on a 275k mortgage can quickly have you selling jeeps to make payments.
also, if you are going to classify it as a 'rental' you need to do a whole lot of legal work as well.
lastly, if you think you can skirt the system by buying a house and having 5 renters to pay your mortgage, remember this; it is still YOUR house at the end of the day; do you want to be living like a sardine, taking all the risks and having renters destroy YOUR house?
buying a place is a huge decision. IMO i wouln't buy a house unless you were ready to settle down, get married, and NEVER plan on leaving..........
sorry for the rant! good luck with whatever you choose.