I'm sorry but voting wildrose is like voting for the tea party in the states. Abortions/private healthcare/ anti gay/anti freedom/openly racist. As a left wing voter kinda sitting this one on the sideline I'm a little shocked and a little disheartened that this party is actually receiving support. It seems to me most of you are voting based on the past and aren't really looking at alberta's future or your future.
Now don't get me wrong the left parties are a little out of touch with albertans but seriously another right wing majority? You would be better served with a little competition and actual dialogue.
Neither of the right wing parties has half a chance at fixing our healthcare. I can also promise you none of us will sit by and watch private healthcare expand in this country.
I also just wanted to touch on oil royalties, I know thats a big issue but i do want to point out the rhetoric about companies leaving alberta if royalties went up is absurd. We give these companies the right to take money out of the ground. It's basically a money tree. Ya we charge a little for the right to pick but the picker never walks away empty handed. Maybe if they don't want our oil, alberta could drill for itself and only albertans would be getting rich from alberta's resources
We have more oil then most of the world combined and really we should all be a lot better off because of it.
Oh and seriously the liberal leader is probably smarter then every other leader combined and even if you don't vote for him please listen to some of his ideas. It would be nice to see the other parties back a leader with that level of intelligence and accomplishment for once. Although the pc's seem to prefer alcoholics and cheaters .....lol
I just wish the right wing parties/voters were capable of compassion towards other people, this world would sure be a nicer place. All i ever see from them is Hate!
Oh and before you slam me for voting left stop and think please..........maybe if you guys were nicer to the left you would get some wheeling support from them aswell..........just a thought.......
Please don't vote for one party because your mad at another, thats not how this system was meant to work.