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Author Topic: Now is the time!  (Read 1412 times)

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Offline Spinalguy

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Now is the time!
« on: May 16, 2006, 02:42:58 PM »
This link will provide you with the info to contact Dave Coutts who is the Minister of SRD.
He will be in the Ghost area tommorrow to unveil the death of OHV's in Alberta.
David Coutts

After a FANTASTIC piece covered by CTV and spotlighting Jennsen and Tim, the time is here to deluge the Minister with venting, complaining, shock, astonishment and the complete unfairness of the process called GAMP.

If you never knew anything about impending closures until you saw the news last night, what knee jerk reaction would you have?
i would be shocked and fumed off that my $50,000 rig is worthless with the news i heard last night. i will let the Minister know today. If everyone lets the Minister know TODAY than  he may be a little unnerved tommorrow when he is unveiling our deaths.

The MEDIA will be there in the GHOST and it is time to make some noise, not STUPID noise but protesting noise as loud as we can. This is it, the media will hear how unfair it is.

Some ideas that i 'copied' from another OHV site:
We need to let Gov that we do not appreciate the way the recreation user is being treated in regards to the GAMP process. Superficial stake-holder consultation, incomplete trail inventory, incomplete water quality study, not using available data, acting on emotion not science. Yes, rattle some chains.

The key to this is what is the CRITERIA for trail closure and trail opening????? There is none!!!!!

Get on it and send, phone and fax.

Do it now!!!!

David Coutts
sent from my old school rotary dial phone.