Several issues here. You'll need to find one with the vacuum tube to control your front axle disconnect, (91 or older) and after 91 they have electric speedo hookups vs your cable. There are also two different spline counts (23 and 21 spline) and they aren't as rugged. The NP231D has a wider chain and gears then the NP231J.
Wow - this is the kind of detail I need. Thanks for wading in.
What I have is a 231D, and I assume the spline count you're referring to is the input (transmission) shaft. If so, mine is 23. The output (driveshaft) is 26 splines, if it matters/differs.
There's a little adapter on the speedo output that has a wiring connector in addition to the speedo cable - I assume that's for the cruise control.
Not sure about the difference in clocking. They should all bolt up (as well as the cherokee NP242J) it's just a question of maybe banging up your transmission tunnel a tad and monkeying around with shifter linkage to get the correct length.
What do you mean by "clocking"? I don't think I've heard the term before.