I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong.
It is for official CJA events and runs, in case a spectator or participant gets hurt, or if property damage occurs as a result of of the CJA event.
It is important to note "official events" are listed on the official CJA calendar of events.
We are not insured for runs/events that are are listed elsewhere on the site. For instance in the Trail rides forum.
For example todays "show and shine" was an official CJA event .If something unfortunate had happened we would have insurance to cover that.
A run like I posted for june 26 or the runs posted for this afternoon and tomorrow that are open to anyone, are not covered by the afore mentioned policy. If something happened, the participants would carry the full responsibility of their actions, weather they were CJA members or not.
It is important to realize the difference between official events and the runs that a group of us put on any given day.
If any one is unclear on what is covered by the policy please ask myself or any members of the executive for clarification