Looks like this summer my wife and I might be pickin' up and moving to Saskatoon. Why Saskatoon you might ask. Well, it's a long story but the gist is that it is just a better fit for us.
Anyway, I know there are a bunch of Sask. natives on this site and I was hoping that some of you might be able to give us some advice. We are having a bit of an issue figuring out where to look for a job for my wife. She works with kids with behaviors and right now, in Calgary, she works for the Calgary board of Ed. as a family/school liason worker. Does anyone know anything about the social services industry, or the school board, in Saskatoon?
I don't think I'll have too much trouble getting a job there (electrical/mechanical engineer) but if you have any advice or contacts that you could pass along I would HUGELY appreciate it.
Thanks everyone,