You guys/gals are awesome!
i arrived in the afternoon with a trailer ready to pick up the many bags of garbage.
But the media lied, as it turned out that Maclean was the cleanest its ever been. Considering that Maylong 2008 saw the LARGEST gathering of campers ever.
Now pay attention SRD. Here are some pics of Maclean Creek. Do you think its possible that RUTTING is an act of Mother Nature?
Is it possible in your biased outlook of OHV use that most of the damage is caused by Mommy Nature?
If memory serves correct, 2005 , 2006 and 2007 had severe flooding and EVERY trail i saw off the main road had creeks running down the trail. i can't imagine what the higher elevation trails looked like...
Minister Morton, there are a majority of responsible 4x4ers in this great province. We have been hear for decades. We have every year gone out and done clean ups, trail repair, trail reclamations and bridge building. We are not the grad kids and once a year redneck Maylong partiers that leave a swath of media sensationalism behind. We care about the future. We also want you to know that its only Maylong that unwanted behavior occurs. Any other weekend is paradis
Here are some pics of hardworking Albertans using their own time, money and resources to clean up an area that was unanimously petitioned to do 3 things for Maclean Creek Maylong 2008.
1/ Ban alcohol
2/ Ban random camping
Now, the press can play it up by stating the charges but not ONE charge was brought to any OHV user for willful destruction of Maclean Creek. WHY is that?
And now for the DAMAGE that should be unacceptable. First, Mother Nature's HAVOC:
And now for the damage that is overtaking anything any 4x4 could ever do:
Anytime you want to talk about REALITY, Minister Morton, please call me
Dr. Tom Kelly