It seems the major reason for the decline is less people migrating to calgary per month, plus a flooding market,.. too many people selling their houses at over-inflated prices.
The market looks as if it has stabalized,.. It has dropped quite a bit from last year. Lots of houses are now within the "affordable" range for the average working couple.
Aside from the high inventory of homes for sale,.. there really isn't any other contributing factor to prices falling even more
Do we see any big outfits laying an obscene amount of people off? Are lots of people losing their jobs? no,.. infact there seems to be still small steady growth.
I can forsee many more people from Ontario moving out this way in the next couple of years.
oil prices are still high = all the local o&g companies are fairing well,.. should be a trickle effect down to the average joe.
No, I don't see prices going up anytime soon,.. maybe come 2012ish,.. but not now,.. looks like we hit a plateau of correction.