I am leading the first open trail run of the season at McLean creek
, and this is also my first officially lead trail run
, so i am hoping that all goes well and everyone has a great time.
Nonmembers, This will count as an officially lead trail run, a requirement for member ship in the CJA.
I am planning on doing a combination of a couple of trails, we will be meeting at the McLean Creek store/staging area at 8:00 and heading out about 8:30 ish. Our first destination will be the gravel pit, then on to Sylvester trail to fisher west where we will take the dirt road to fisher east, head to the bridge and then to top of the world, and finally back to the store to air up. This might be a fairly long day depending on how many people come out, but our stop at fisher west will allow anyone to sneak out early if they have other commitments.
The minimum requirements for this run will be as follows: - 31" or bigger MT or AT tread, if in doubt PM me ( MUST BE IN GOOD SHAPE).
- Proper tow points front and rear, stock tow points, aftermarket or aftermarket bumpers with recovery points.
- Full size spare also in good shape.
- Waivers will have to be signed by any non members present.
- Valid drivers license and insurance for anyone who plans to drive.
- Enough food and water for every person in your vehicle for one day.
- Full tank of gas, filling up in Bragg Creek is a good idea.
- Mechanically sound jeep, please make sure your jeep is trail ready.
Highly recommended stuff: - CB radio
- Recovery gear
- Warm clothes and a change of clothes.
- Full jerry can of gas.
- sway bar disco's
- Tool kit, you never know what might break on the trail.
I also need members to volunteer for tail gunner and middle, and also perhaps to lead a second group if the initial group grows too big.
- Pookapotamus (Dana)
Trail leader - Brooneg (Mike)
- Sweetberry (Alice)
- Slewfoot (Derrin)
- Pittero85 (Brent)
- Krakatoa (?)
- Knox (?)
- Rich99 (?)
- Dontask (?)
- MrTim (Tim)
- Crunch (Charlie)
- 01Sahara (Blair)
leading a run/hike to elbow falls - Mhernden (?)
- James007 (?)
- Comanche Runner (Aaron)
- Jenn1981 (Jen)
- Bigjohn87 (?)
- Jeeperkreeper (?)
- Jeeptastic (?)
- Radus (?)
- Lizard230 (?)
- Todaysempire (?)
- Shayu (?)
- Offroadnewbie (Kyle)
Possible trail leader on second run