The Green Party will be wasted votes unfortunately and would be better served by voting PC to a majority.
The unregulated banking system in the US caused the recession mostly due to the derivatives market and the sublending practices in the mortgage sector.
The current CDN minority government is a
coalition government formed by the Canadian Alliance Party and the Progressive Conservative Party which joined in 2003 as the Canadian Conservative -Alliance Party, which has now turned back to just the Conservative Party.
I don't want to go on a rant about what the Conservative government's reign has been responsible for, but look at the G20, almost $1B in tax dollars spent for 4 days. Not a single Canadian was consulted about our involvement in the signing of the North American Union (which no one fully understands what the mandate is), or dropping 66 government funded programs in 2006 to save $1B so they could keep one of the only electoral promises they made by cutting the GST by 2%.
If our provincial Conservative government tells us anything, we cannot trust them, or any other politician for that matter. Why do we have the highest provincial
GDP's of all the provinces, yet our health care system is one of the worst in Canada? Oh, and what about our buddy, Ted Morton, I.G. anyone?
The Green Party has one really good platform I agree which applies to voter reform. They want to abolish the federal funding of political parties. There is also a request to change to voting system so that every single vote is counted towards the federal party they vote for, instead of going towards the MP in their individual riding. This I feel would be a huge change to our democratic system, for the better, and would reduce voter apathy and get more people out to the poles.
In fact, the Green Party rated the
best amongst any party on reform proposals based on a research pole done by a consumer group Democracy Watch Canada. Read: are dying in other countries trying to overthrow dictatorships, just for the hope that they one day may be able to live in a society where they might be able to chose their governments.
So, in my limited view of politics, the only wasted vote is the one you don't make.