Canadian tire also has huge buying power when it comes down to it! This means they negotiate big discounts on the cost of an item with suppliers/manufacturers because they buy so many more units then the next guy (auto value/rona/home depot/etc) and can sell the product way faster as well. Not to mention that Canadian Tire is the top known "Brand" name in Canada, meaning more people regonize the name and what it stands for then any other retailer and what Brand wouldn/t want to get on board with that kind of pull. Futhermore, Canadian tire runs a very tight turn (sales-to-inventory ratio) and if they can not liquidate old product they seek out discounts form the vendor indicating they will not be able to buy as much of "Next Years Tools" becuase they have to many of "This Years Tools" in stock. No brand wants this, as it will destroy their margin, and upcoming fiscal season. Finally, Canadian tire would be foolish to increase the market cost of any product as this would affect their bottom line until the time that they are able to mark down said product. This would jeoprodize their ability to purchase "in-season" goods that are out performing projected sales targets, therefore being reactionary to the market.
Bottom Line, I wish I had $100 to go an buy that set!!!