Calgary Jeep Association

Author Topic: Pickle Fork  (Read 1447 times)

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Offline kevman

  • Budget Lift
  • Posts: 128
Pickle Fork
« on: July 18, 2006, 11:15:19 PM »
So after getting a new bike, racing that new bike and starting a new job I've had very little time to work on the Jeep.  With a trip to Whistler in a few weeks it's time to fix a front end issue I've had since April.  Like always I've hit a small dilema and need to borrow a tool.  I need to remove a pressfit track bar from the bracket.  Since the threaded end of the tapered bolt sits in the bracket you can't get a hammer in there and pound it out.  The track bar and bracket are off the vehicle.  If someone in the NW (or better yet going to the meeting tomorrow) has a pickle fork I could borrow for 5 mins that'd be great.  One of those air powered pneumatic ones would be even better :D
My shovels nicer!