Bill there is always going to be a few bad apples in the barrel, some are idiots and some choose to be an idiot. Thankfully they're a minority. The actions of these idiots shouldn't dictate the liberties of the majority. The vast majority of OHV users are civilized from my limited observations (I was camping/wheeling/cleaning up at McLean last May Long), maybe you are hanging out with the wrong crowd and have a different impression. 500 officiers at McLean? I saw a note from one but I didn't see any in person, I'm sure there must have been some around. Like some of the previous posts implied, the vast majority of campers had some fun, drank some booze and still managed to act in a civilized manner, and cleaned up their garbage when they left. Things have gotten better, you wanted more enforcement to control the idiots/rowdies, there is more enforcement and word has probably gotten out that bad behviour won't be tolerated. Yeah it too bad some people need to be policed to behave and it does cost for that enforcement. The majority rules in a democratic society, we need more backcountry education, we need enforcement and the vast majority and the idiots get to imbibe in alittle/alot of alcohol on their May Long at McLean, if you break the rules you risk getting caught. I'm OK with that.