it would have been around '08 when i was looking for that arm. evo didnt have one, and the impresion i got was they wernt making them either.
i am a huge fan and supporter of evo and what clay does, so please take what i say as constructive and purley my opinion.
hoestly, i have no idea what evo's bussineus plan is. i visit the web site all the time and all i see are people looking for thier order. i see projects that are way behind. i then see a post asking what products jeep people are into.
so here is what i do know. evo is small, and kinda starting over at your new place. evo is short staffed, we all get that. clay is a great guy, who makes for an even better face for the company, and is a guy who took a look around and seen a lacking in some quality products for a small segment of a huge sport. so when i see a post such as this one, to me your looking for a way to make some money. find out what people want and make it. well............. what i want is to be able to buy pretty much is the standard builder crap that is allready out there. i dont want to take the time to dezign a basic bracket or tab, give you the dimensions, and then wait to have it built. i am sick of the fact its all done in the us. i found one canadian site, tmr customs, that sells what i am looking for , but all thier stuff is, for the most part, american. i even sent them an email and asked them why they sell a johnny joint, when there is a canadian joint that will blow it away. thier answer is because that is what people are asking for.
i have built enough of my own tabs and brackets to know what a huge time consumer it is. time i could be using for just building. plus it will look way better too.
i know evo is proud of the custom work it can do and has done, as it should be. it something that should be promoted. but if you have a plazma table now, man i really think you should be lookin at producing the mindless crap that is allready out there and have it on a shelf ready to go. something where i can plunk stuff into a cart, give you my credit card number, and be crazy happy when my builder products show up in the mail and i go weld my face off.
just thrown my two cents in erin. and by no means am i being negative towards what evo does or the quality, or your inovation. i feel this is you strong points. its great that you guys can do an amazing custom jeep cage. but not every one can drive in to your shop and plunk down down 2g and leave thier rig there for a month. to be honest, i had no idea evo had a jeep bolt in kit, and i am allway on the site. even now its kinda tough to see what you have and how much. is thier plans to have an online store?
just tryin to keep it real and i want to see this company thrive and prosper.