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  • Off-Road 101: June 18, 2011 - June 19, 2011

Author Topic: CJA Off-Road 101 2011  (Read 50798 times)

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Offline Anton

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #165 on: June 20, 2011, 02:59:15 PM »
The links worked for me I watched them from my phone. This run was from sat or sun?
1996 jeep cherokee.

Offline CiaMonkey

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #166 on: June 20, 2011, 03:00:06 PM »
The links worked for me I watched them from my phone. This run was from sat or sun?

Zombie Response Team

In commission- '92 YJ smittybuilt src bumper, 2x hella 700's, 2x hella 500's, cobra CB + antenne. To come: 4" suspension lift and 33" Nittos.

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Offline dunl

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #167 on: June 20, 2011, 03:26:48 PM »
I might get banned for this or my comment removed, but I think I can share my opinion here.

If these stockers were getting banged up as bad as these guys are talking about, why wasn't a decision made  etc. etc. etc.

As President of a fellow club, I'm going to jump in here unannounced and uninvited:

Please keep in mind that things discussed on the internet can be interpreted a totally different way from what actually happened.  Without actually being there, you are making assumptions as to what happened. Why?  Because everyone who wasn't there're just assuming in a different way - that's how we all interpret the written text on this fne thing we have called the internet.

Now, I could go on and on with questions in the opposite direction ("If good instructions were being given, were they being followed by the new drivers?", etc.) but that won't help anyone here. It just becomes divisive.

Your offer, on the other hand, to help out someone with said repairs will do the community a great deal of good.  That's what being a good jeep community is all about.

Just please keep in mind that you may have misintepreted things after reading them on here, just as others may have misintepreted the type of person you are by your comments.  You're probably a completely rational, reasonable person to deal with in real life, and regardless of what you post on the internet, people might not always intepret it as such.

Perhaps mistakes were made.  Perhaps things can be improved.  Perhaps you'd like to get involved and help out with that. 

`48 CJ2A, `54 CJ3B, `97 TJ, and 03 WJ...batting close to .500 when it comes to jeep models owned vs. jeep models created.....
Red Deer Jeep Packrats

Offline Alltornup

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #168 on: June 20, 2011, 03:28:16 PM »
Lol alright, i'm not going to fight with someone over the internet  :-\ but if you were not there then you should keep your opinion to yourself. It was a combination of things that put us  in the situation we were in and crap happens man. It was no ones fault but that bitch mother nature lol.

Well said.  I didn't even get a scratch on my Jeep.  It was just a long day.  Hell we had to go back to our camp by the widowmaker, find and cut wood and make supper in the pouring rain.   We didn't eat till 2am.  lol.  

Offline silverfox

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #169 on: June 20, 2011, 03:32:07 PM »
I did read the comments. It just looked like it was a bit of a gong show.
That's good the instructors were there for you... again, was just going off the comments about how bad (now known to be only 2) wheels were banged up.  Although when talking about frame and drivetrain damage, that doesn't sound minor to me. And the guy who was talking about both bumpers, headlights, and all the other stuff he listed... sounds like either the spotter wasn't paying attention or he wasn't listening... I guess to be expected if you had to take a different route that wasn't stocker friendly.

I was almost ready to retract my statement, but then I saw "The problem on Saturday was the easy course they had planned was completely washed out. Then they took a route that was new to them and we got a bit lost." I'll keep my comments closed on that one. (Was anyone given the option to redo the 101 at a later date due to the change in trail and conditions?)

As for not knowing the facts before I post, I am glad you set something to shine a positive light here in regards to the instruction.

Insurance - yes, if you roll off a cliff... from driving on a highway. Offroading is different. I suggest you look deeper into your insurance. (Just like the people in Vancouver - damages caused by riots were not covered in their insurance. They are covered for vandalism but not for riot damage)


First off, your facts are least in my case.  Collision insurance covers my vehicle for at fault (mine or the driver of mine) for damages caused by collision.  It matters not were it is.  Now breakage is another thing entirely.  Here are a couple of examples

Driving down the trail I tear off my rear fender and bumper hitting a tree (collision with tree) - covered
Climbing a rock face I snap an axle shaft no collision therefore breakage - not covered
Doing a decent I misjudge a corner and end up rolling the jeep (side, roof, etc colliding with ground) - covered
Winching myself out of a mudhole I fry my battery, winch, whatever therefore breakage - not covered.

Now maybe your insurance is different maybe other peoples is as well, but to suggest that people are not covered just based on your opinion is just as bad as me saying you are based on my opinion.  I know my insurance, I know what I pay for and I know what my policy says and I know what I am covered for.  Whether or not I want to make a claim is a whole other matter, as in many cases you assess the cost, factor in the impact over the long term on your rates and make a decision.

I would suggest that anyone and everyone make sure you know what your own policy covers and doesn't...........don't trust the opinions of people on the internet on matters like this, being well informed and educated with regard to your own insurance is smart in my opinion.

As for the rest of the  You take a few posts here and there and make a grand judgement on the people that were out there yet you were not there.  

I can't tell you about Saturday as I wasn't there.  But I could tell you about many many other days..........

Like the day I dropped a ujoint in my front shaft and stretched the yoke out of shape and the guys I was wheeling with welded it back together on the trail and got me out safe and sound.  

Or how about the day I spent in my garage with someone I had hardly met, installing all new brake lines for and with him.

Or how about the time one of guys here left Waiperous, drove back to Cochrane picked up his car trailer and drove back to Waiperous to load up a fellow Jeepers rig then take it back to his house

Or how about the time that 2 members here took the better part of an evening to help me trouble shoot some electrical problem I was having with some wiring harnesses

Or how about the time that another member here offered up some "spare" lights that ended up getting busted on the trail on a retrieval attempt.

Or how about the time that a member here, posted up he had found a M101 trailer for Winnipeg and offered to go barter with the seller, load it up and trek it back to Calgary without any cost to the member buying it.

How about the member that has offered to me and countless others building up there rigs to come out to his place and he will gladly sit and talk to you about some of the things that you might want to think of when building up your rig.

Those are just some of the highlights in the last 6 months that I have seen (and I could go on and on and on) but for purposes of brevity I will stop there.  Maybe I am just lucky and all of my experiences have been positive ones, somehow I doubt that is the case but I wasn't there so I couldn't say for sure.

In the end you are responsible for your own crap, wheeling is not without its risks.  Damage can occur on even the easiest of trails at any time.  If you aren't willing to accept that, you shouldn't be taking your vehicle into a situation where that likelihood is significantly increased.  Now don't get me wrong, I feel for anyone that has had damage on the trail but that is the risk.  That is what happens, I have busted a fender, broke an axle, twisted swaybar links into pretzels, chipped rims, bent mounts etc......and I don't blame anyone but myself.  It is the risk I take to enjoy what I do, some people either don't have the capacity or the desire to take that risk........that is their choice, but to suggest that damage to someones rig is anything other than the responsibility of the owner doesn't seem right to me.
2018 JLU Lifted on 37's

Offline Alltornup

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #170 on: June 20, 2011, 03:33:41 PM »
I didn't even bother to go to the car wash.  I stopped at Canadian Tire and bought a power washer.  Outside is spic n span.  The interior on the other hand may take a little longer.  I may just powerwash it as well.   ;D

Offline CiaMonkey

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #171 on: June 20, 2011, 03:38:03 PM »
I didn't even bother to go to the car wash.  I stopped at Canadian Tire and bought a power washer.  Outside is spic n span.  The interior on the other hand may take a little longer.  I may just powerwash it as well.   ;D

Quite honestly i was a detailer for about 2 years and to pressure wash the interior is actually perfectly fine as long as you keep the pressure down or keep the wand farther away. Surprisingly most average vehicles can take it and that must mean a jeep will be just fine haha! as for scratches my JK got a few but they will easily buff out :) JKs are a bit wider than the TJ YJ series if I am not mistaken and we went through that one narrow quad trail by accident lol.
Zombie Response Team

In commission- '92 YJ smittybuilt src bumper, 2x hella 700's, 2x hella 500's, cobra CB + antenne. To come: 4" suspension lift and 33" Nittos.

Retired- '12 wrangler mojave

Offline Immortal

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #172 on: June 20, 2011, 04:32:40 PM »
I like kitties.....

and 4x4ing.
if we were smart with our money we wouldn't own Jeeps.
Here's your cup of STFU... ENJOY!

Offline BlackYJ

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #173 on: June 20, 2011, 04:54:09 PM »
You know what Dracitamo, your comments have really fumed me off and basically you are saying I don't have request for others. 

I was one of the trail guides out on saturday helping these newbies.  First of all, I did not have to sacrifice the integrity of MY jeep just to help provide a more controlled environment for these newbies to learn to wheel in, but I did, why because we are a community.  In addition we provided an environment where they could try new things and see what their vehicles really can do, why, because us experienced members where close by and there to offer a hand if they were not sure or if they got into a situation where they needed a tug.  I lost count of how many Jeeps I pulled out from being stuck and how many kms I walked on saturday to make sure anyone that needed assistant or guiding got help.  I did not have to expose MY rig to that abuse, but I did without even batting an eye, same with the other guides.

Accidents do happen, weather changes and mistake are made, but you know what, we worked out a$$es off to make sure we got everyone out safely and with the minimal amount of damage to the vehicles as possible.

So before you go a make dumba$$ comments about the way someone runs a trail run find out the facts or better yet, make sure you were on the trail, otherwise squirt OFF!!!

And Trevor, just for that comment, you too  ;)

'95 YJ with a few mods


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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #174 on: June 20, 2011, 04:56:52 PM »
Well i had fun with all of you that went out on Saturday hope to do it again.You guys were GREAT and did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!.Hope to see all of you again on the next open run .For some of you STOP being so negative we are all here to have a good time and meet new people and enjoy some good wheeling.

Offline BlackYJ

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #175 on: June 20, 2011, 04:59:25 PM »
I didn't even bother to go to the car wash.  I stopped at Canadian Tire and bought a power washer.  Outside is spic n span.  The interior on the other hand may take a little longer.  I may just powerwash it as well.   ;D

I usually just use a garden hose to wash down the interior of my Jeep.  Take all the carpets put, pull the drain plugs, park of a slight slope so the water drains and you are set.
'95 YJ with a few mods

Offline Anton

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #176 on: June 20, 2011, 05:11:58 PM »
Thanks white out for the info, can not wait to go again with you guys.

On the other note, i have some pics up on the photo bucket, my name over there is Anton0071 people can check them out . For the videos they were too big so i made an account with youtube, there is many of them so i called them all Jeep 101 2011, to be sure it would say made by THE MV Engin.

Thanks again too you all.



I Knew who was in front of me and behind cuz the people talked to me all the time and i asked Q"s and what to do, Randy and Mr Immortal helped me to pass a spot that was quite scare to me. (right before the first drive shaft broke). So  There are allot of people out here that would help us when we ask and try to learn. And when we left the main group and i was wheeling with 3 other rigs and i never saw them before, they were amazing, they heard me saying  "there  is a noise coming from the front of my jeep" and next thing i know 3 people under the front looking and trying to help. So i would do it again over and over again with you guys. 
1996 jeep cherokee.

Offline dunl

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #177 on: June 20, 2011, 05:50:51 PM »
and Mr Immortal

You have no idea the monster you have just created.  :D
`48 CJ2A, `54 CJ3B, `97 TJ, and 03 WJ...batting close to .500 when it comes to jeep models owned vs. jeep models created.....
Red Deer Jeep Packrats

Offline Anton

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #178 on: June 20, 2011, 05:58:00 PM »
Is it going to be a friendly monster or bad one?  ???
1996 jeep cherokee.

Offline Chupacabra

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Re: CJA Off-Road 101 2011
« Reply #179 on: June 20, 2011, 06:00:24 PM »
The damage that occurred saturday was only to a few rigs... My stock JK got through the day with its airdam intact, and no scratches on the paintwork as well. A huge part of that was due to the awesome job the trail guides did, in particular the poor hombres that stood out in the marshes directing us where to go, while the rain came down. Thanks guys!
2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited - Islander Package